4th International Scientific Advisory Board Meeting

Beautiful Madrid was the location for our 4th International Scientific Advisory Board Meeting on October 24th to October 25th 2019. It was a very interesting and significant meeting for the future development of ImuPro. Numerous successful patient cases have been presented and discussed by the entire panel of experts. This is again a very strong means of supporting ImuPro worldwide.13 leading ImuPro experts from eleven countries presented outstanding case reports and shared experiences from their country. The main topic of this scientific meeting was about the practical use of ImuPro to treat complex cases, where conventional medicine was not successful, or no treatment is available. Particularly interesting was the total recovery from several cases of Hashimoto thyroiditis by applying a change of diet according to the ImuPro concept as well as an almost instant normalization of blood glucose levels in a case of a juvenile diabetes type1, while applying the ImuPro concept.

Other topics and patient cases presented and discussed during the meeting were: Eczema, Autism, diarrhea, and the reliability and reproducibility demonstrated over several years of the ImuPro test. Another very interesting presentation was about the connection between Lyme disease and food hypersensitivities.

In addition, Dr. Camille Lieners introduced a new IBS intervention study comparing 3 different diets, of which the ImuPro IgG guided elimination-rotation diet was by far the most successful. The meeting has shown once more that the continuous exchange of information among the board members is extremely important for the evolution of ImuPro.

The 5th Sientific Board Meeting will take place next year (2021) in Greece.

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