Soya bean

Soya beans serve as raw materials for an abundance of products.
The two fermentation products, Shoyu (soya sauce) and Misu, are used as spices. Other sauces are produced from soya sauce, such as Worchester Sauce. Soya beans are the main ingredients for Tofu. Soya beans are also used to prepare meat products and milk replacement products.
Soya bean oil is used in the Asian kitchen and to produce soaps, varnishes and grease oil. At purchase, the list of ingredients should be reviewed in case soya bean or derived products are contained .
Possible cross reaction: Soya bean has common allergenic structures with birch pollen, namely the so called Bet V1-allergen. If one reacts allergic to birch pollen or is sensitive to it, allergic reactions are possible if one consumes soya bean. You can find alternatives to soya beans when extending ImuPro Basic to ImuPro Complete.

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