Goji berry has its origin in the regions between South-East Europe and South-East Asia. The goji berry is elongated, bright red and can be up to 2 cm long. The taste of the berry is slightly sour and fruity. Goji belongs to the fruit category.
Goji are one of the foods richest in Vitamin C. In addition, the fruit contains essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus and micronutrients such as copper, zinc, manganese, chromium and selenium and furthermore B-vitamins, vitamin E and β-carotene. Due to the high vitamin C content it is said to strengthen the immune system and the ß-carotene content is important for the clear vision of the eyes.
At retail, the fruit is often available in dried, capsules and powder form, but also as fresh fruits. Particularly suitable are dried goji berries for muesli, snacks/cakes, chocolate, tea, wine and liqueurs. The fresh fruits and juice can be contained in jams and juices mixtures.
When excluding goji berries from the diet, please use an alternative source of the vitamins in the goji.