Chia seeds

Chia seed has its origin in Central and South America and has been used there for more than 5,500 years as food as well as in medicine. The chia seed is a small light or dark brown seed which looks similiar to linseed. The taste of raw chia seeds is slightly nutty and belongs to the category of nuts and seeds.
Chia seed has a high proportion of dietary fiber as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in a particularly favorable ratio (1:3). In addition, the seed contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and micronutrients such as copper and manganese as well as B-vitamins, vitamins A and E. Due to the good composition of the chia seeds, it is said to have a preventive effect on overweight and diabetes.
Chia seeds are available at retail and also used as a thickening agent in a vegan diet. The seeds are especially used in bread, cereals, muesli, desserts, cakes, pastries, snacks and smoothies. Please pay attention to the manufacturers’ information on these products in order not to eat any hidden chia seed.
When excluding chia seeds from your diet, please use an alternative source for the fats of the chia seeds.

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