Chicken egg (egg white and egg yolk)

The egg consists of two components, the white and the yolk. The white surrounds the yolk that is also known as the yellow of the egg. When breaking an egg, the white runs more or less apart while the yolk is held together by a thin skin. A practical feature, useful to separate the two components for individual use of each of them.
In cooking, the lecithin contained in the yolk is also used. This helps in the making of emulsions and the manufacturing of mayonnaises. Yolk is also used to manufacture certain gravies/sauces (i.e. Hollandaise) as well as sweet foods and cream. The whisked egg white especially utilises its capabilities in the binding of many desserts.
Our advice: Do you have to change your diet because of this allergy type III? Above all – pay attention to the list of ingredients of industrially manufactured products. Here eggs and their components are frequently used as ingredients, but are not always listed on the label. Some medicines may also contain egg components. Therefore, always read the composition of medicines.
List of products that can contain eggs:
Gluten free bread
Bread spreads
Meat products
Confectionary products
Fresh dough
Instant meals
Ice cream
Labels that hide eggs:
Lecithin E322
Lysozyme E1105
Alternative to eggs: It is not necessary to cover the need for proteins with egg-free nourishment. If one takes into consideration nourishment with different protein sources, the amount of the necessary amino acids is guaranteed. In addition to different animal protein sources, there are many vegetable protein sources: soybeans and their derived products, legumes, nuts, seeds, rice, potatoes and grains. The difficulties arise in daily cooking and substitution of egg characteristics. On the market, egg replacements are available.
To replace the bounding effect of an egg: mix 1 spoon soybean flour with 2 spoons of water. In case of soy99bean intolerance, one can also make a mixture with rice or corn flour.
Deficiency syndrome without milk and eggs?
Egg, milk and milk products give the body high-quality protein and important vitamins and minerals. Above all, the need for vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) and the mineral calcium is covered in these basic foods. Many patients with egg and/or milk allergy type III are concerned that with a diet deprived of egg and milk that certain nutrients will not be sufficiently covered. This fear is usually unjustified. Through a careful and varied selection of the permitted foods, nutrient deficiencies can be avoided. For the “critical” nutrients protein, vitamin B2 and calcium alternative sources are listed below.
Types of food containing proteins:
Vegetables: legumes, soybeans and soy products, grains and grain products, nuts and seeds.
Animal: sheep and goat milk and their products, fish and meat.

When using protein, quality is important rather than quantity. Animal protein generally has a higher value than vegetable protein. Therefore, with suitable combinations and simultaneous consumption of different vegetable and animal proteins, the type of protein quality provided by eggs or milk can be attained. To increase the protein intake use nut purée for salad sauces, desserts, and in baking and for non-alcoholic cocktails. Scatter sunflower seeds, nuts or almonds over sweet and spicy foods.
Foods rich in vitamin B2:
Vegetables: whole grain products (bread, rice & pasta), beans, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, seedling (soybean sprouts, grain, bean & lentil germs).
Animal: meat, fish
Because vitamin B2 is water-soluble, you should consider cooking it in a closed pot with little water and reusing the water if possible as a vegetable broth as a base for soups and gravies. Preferably consume vegetables as raw vegetable salads.
Foods rich in calcium:
Vegetables: legumes (soybeans, lentils, beans), kale, broccoli, spinach, chard, fennel, herbs, whole grain prodcts, seeds (sesame), stinging nettle.
Calcium is water-soluble. For preparation, you should cook it in a closed pot with little water and reuse the water if possible as a vegetable broth as a base for soups and sauces. Preferably consume the vegetables as raw vegetable salads. Soybean products (soy drink, tofu) only contain a little caclium.

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