
Coffee is a semi-luxurious product that contains caffeine. It has a stimulating effect; however, it also influences and irritates the mucous membrane of the intestine. As a result, the permeability of the intestine for food is increased. The consumption of coffee causes an effect opposite of the desired effect in the case of a diet change. Experience shows that a renunciation of coffee has positive effects, at least in the first 8 weeks of the diet change. Therefore, the renunciation of coffee is also recommended if no reaction is shown by the test.
Examples of foods containing coffee or coffee components:
Coffee candies: hard caramel with addition of coffee, milk or cream
Coffee extract: is used to flavor foods such as pudding, desserts, ice-cream
Coffee powder: dry coffee extract
Coffee liqueur: coffee and coffee extract, usually with an addition of vanilla (15% vol.), mocha liqueur
Coffee chocolate: cream chocolate
Alternatives: coffee replacements, produced out of grain

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